December 15, 2023. The survey of patients in the EUROHELICAN project was successfully completed in Alūksne

In the Alūksne research center, which was opened by the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia on September 14, 2023, 340 patients were examined until mid-December.
The project "Accelerating the reduction of the spread of stomach cancer in Europe by eradicating H. pylori", or EUROHELICAN for short, is a project supported by the EU program EU - Health (EU4Health). As part of this, a population-based strategy for testing and eradicating the bacterium H. pylori will be evaluated. Infection with Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori significantly increases the risk of developing stomach cancer - most cases of stomach cancer are related to this infection. As a result of the project, world and European experts will develop recommendations for the implementation of gastric cancer prevention measures and for evaluating their effectiveness.
The researcher of the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia, gastroenterologist Dr. med Danute Ražuka-Ebela said that this year the survey of the participants of the GISTAR study, which has been ongoing for 10 years, was started in three Latvian cities: in 2014. The work is currently being continued by the research center in Cēsis. 1150 people were surveyed within the project. We are very grateful to the research participants for the time invested in the name of a common goal."
On the other hand, in 2024, research centers will start working in other Latvian cities as well.
In Latvia, the EUROHELICAN project is led by the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI) in cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (The National Institute of Public Health - NIJZ), the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization - IARC/WHO France), Nantes University Hospital (Nantes University Hospital, France) and Maribor Dr. Community Healthcare Center dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor, Slovenia. The project will continue until the end of April 2025.

The views and opinions expressed here reflect the views of the author(s) only and do not reflect the position of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). The European Union and the funding authority are not responsible for them.
If representatives of the International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization ((International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) / World Health Organization (WHO)) are indicated as the author of the publication, they are individually responsible for the opinions expressed, and they do not always reflect those of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) / World Health Organization (WHO)). research agency decisions, policies or positions.
The project has received funding from the EU4Health program of the European Union in accordance with grant agreement no. 101079944.
November 2, 2023. The GISTAR research center is opened in Cesis and trainings are held for future research workers

On November 1 the GISTAR research center was opened in Cēsis, where training was held for the future employees of the center. GISTAR is a multicenter randomized trial to reduce gastric cancer mortality by H.pylori eradication and pepsinogen measurement.
During the training, the new employees were introduced to the research website, data use and security rules, GISTAR data management system, research protocol, procedure for inclusion of research participants and learning all standard procedures in practice.
On October 26, in the Microsoft Teams environment, a lecture was given by the scientific leader of the GISTAR project, director of the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI), gastroenterologist and professor of the University of Latvia, Mārcis Leja, in the Microsoft Teams environment.
LU KPMI leading researcher Sergejs Parshutins introduced the center's employees to data entry systems, security rules and data storage conditions, while LU KPMI senior expert Aiga Rūdule informed them about the special requirements, achievable results and quality control of the EU4Health program and EUROHELICAN project, as well as about the design, goals and objectives of the GISTAR study .
The project "Accelerating the reduction of the spread of stomach cancer in Europe by eradicating H. pylori", or EUROHELICAN for short, is a project supported by the EU program EU - Health (EU4Health). As part of this, a population-based H.pylori testing and eradication strategy will be evaluated. As a result of the project, global and European experts will develop guidelines for the implementation of gastric cancer screening and recommendations for evaluating its effectiveness. In Latvia, it is managed by the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI) in cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (The National Institute of Public Health - NIJZ), the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization Organizations - IARC/WHO France), Nantes University Hospital (Nantes University Hospital, France) and Maribor Dr. Community Healthcare Center dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor, Slovenia. The project will continue until the end of April 2025.
More about the EUROHELICAN project -

The views and opinions expressed here reflect the views of the author(s) only and do not reflect the position of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). The European Union and the funding authority are not responsible for them.
If representatives of the International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization ((International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) / World Health Organization (WHO)) are indicated as the author of the publication, they are individually responsible for the opinions expressed, and they do not always reflect those of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) / World Health Organization (WHO)). research agency decisions, policies or positions.
The project has received funding from the EU4Health program of the European Union in accordance with grant agreement no. 101079944
September 14, 2023. GISTAR research center is opened in Alūksne and trainings are held for future research workers

On September 14 the GISTAR research center was opened in Alūksne, where training was held for the future employees of the center. GISTAR is a multicenter randomized trial to reduce gastric cancer mortality by H.pylori eradication and pepsinogen measurement.
During the training, the new employees were introduced to the research website, data use and security rules, GISTAR data management system, research protocol, procedure for inclusion of research participants and learning all standard procedures in practice.
On September 14, in the Microsoft Teams environment, a lecture was given by the scientific leader of the GISTAR project, director of the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI), gastroenterologist and professor of the University of Latvia Mārcis Leja, as well as other LU KPMI employees.
The project "Accelerating gastric cancer reduction in Europe through Helicobacter pylori eradication", or EUROHELICAN for short, is a project supported by the EU program EU - Health (EU4Health). As part of this, a population-based strategy for testing and eradicating the bacterium Helicobacter pylori will be evaluated. As a result of the project, global and European experts will develop guidelines for the implementation of gastric cancer screening and recommendations for evaluating its effectiveness. In Latvia, it is managed by the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI) in cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (The National Institute of Public Health - NIJZ), the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization Organizations - IARC/WHO France), Nantes University Hospital (Nantes University Hospital, France) and Maribor Dr. Community Healthcare Center dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor, Slovenia. The project will continue until the end of April 2025.
More about the EUROHELICAN project -

The views and opinions expressed here reflect the views of the author(s) only and do not reflect the position of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). The European Union and the funding authority are not responsible for them.
If representatives of the International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization ((International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) / World Health Organization (WHO)) are indicated as the author of the publication, they are individually responsible for the opinions expressed, and they do not always reflect those of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) / World Health Organization (WHO)). research agency decisions, policies or positions.
The project has received funding from the EU4Health program of the European Union in accordance with grant agreement no. 101079944
August 28, 2023. Successfully completed clinical activities of the HYCOR project at the Liepāja Research Center

On August 28 successfully completed the clinical activities of the HYCOR project at the Liepāja Research Center in collaboration with the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI) and the Liepāja Regional Hospital.
The GISTAR project, a multicenter randomized trial focused on reducing gastric cancer mortality through H. pylori eradication and pepsinogen measurement, served as the foundation for the implementation of the HYCOR project. HYCOR, short for hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening, represents an innovative approach in our ongoing research to devise strategies for reducing gastric cancer mortality in high-risk areas. Within the GISTAR study, a total of 11,223 participants participated, with 842 individuals being part of the study center in Liepāja.
Invitations were extended to healthy individuals between the ages of 40 and 64 to voluntarily participate in this scientific endeavor. Study participants were required to complete a comprehensive questionnaire, covering lifestyle factors, prior medical history, and any health-related complaints. Subsequently, selected participants expressing interest were invited for further investigations. While participants were randomly chosen, diagnostic tests were strongly recommended for those in immediate need of medical attention. A specific group of participants underwent blood tests to identify signs of gastric atrophy, a condition associated with an elevated risk of stomach cancer, and an occult blood test in stool to identify patients at higher risk of colorectal cancer. Those testing positive (showing abnormalities) were encouraged to undergo endoscopic examinations.
Out of the participants, 35 individuals were identified as needing colonoscopies (lower endoscopies) due to positive occult blood test results, with 23 of them already examined. Simultaneously, 22 study participants were invited to undergo upper endoscopy, with 16 having undergone the procedure. All participants were informed of their endoscopic findings, and when necessary, were referred to the appropriate specialists.
Among the 842 residents who participated in the study, 206 were found to be infected with Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium associated with stomach cancer development. These participants were prescribed eradication therapy for the bacteria, which they will continue until the end of August.
Additionally, at the Liepāja research center, research participants underwent specialized breath measurements using a hybrid breath analyzer. The objective of this endeavor was to develop a mathematical model for colorectal cancer detection and evaluate the sensor performance of a specially designed device for this purpose. While this device currently cannot provide an accurate diagnosis, it is contributing to the development of experimental technology for potential colorectal cancer screening. It's important to note that active analysis of the collected data and interpretation of results are ongoing.
The scientists engaged in the GISTAR study emphasize the significant global impact of digestive system tumors, accounting for a substantial portion of worldwide cancer cases. Annually, there are 3.88 million new diagnoses of this disease, resulting in 2.83 million fatalities. Colorectal (colon and rectal) cancer and stomach cancer are the most prevalent among these tumors. Importantly, many of these cancer cases can be prevented through timely diagnosis, as most digestive system tumors, including colorectal and stomach cancer, respond well to treatment when identified early. GISTAR stands as a scientific endeavor aimed at contributing to the reduction of gastric cancer mortality.
[Photo: Toms Grīnbergs, LU Communication Department]

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’. The project is co–financed by REACT-EU to mitigate the effects of the pandemic crisis.
On March 3, the inclusion of study participants in the dynamic control monitoring study of the cohort (EUROHELICAN and TOGAS projects) began at the Ludza research center.
The "Accelerating gastric cancer reduction in Europe through Helicobacter pylori eradication” project, or EUROHELICAN for short, is an EU-supported project under the EU4Health program. It will evaluate a population-based strategy for testing and eradicating the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. As a result of the project, world and European experts will develop guidelines for the introduction of gastric cancer screening and recommendations for evaluating its effectiveness. In Latvia, it is led by the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine Institute of the University of Latvia in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (NIJZ), the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (IARC/WHO, France), Nantes University Hospital (France), and the Community Healthcare Center Dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor (Slovenia). The project will continue until the end of April 2025.
More about the EUROHELICAN project -
The project “Towards gastric cancer screening implementation in the European Union”, abbreviated as TOGAS, will begin in March 2023, with UL ICPM being the leading partner, collaborating with more than 20 institutions throughout Europe.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Where authors are identified as personnel of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization, the authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this article and they do not necessarily represent the decisions, policy or views of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization.
March 3, 2023. The activity of the Ludza Research Center has begun

Photo: Training of employees at the Ludza Research Center.
On February 28, the GISTAR research center opened its doors in Ludza. Until March 2, training was conducted there for future GISTAR research center employees. GISTAR participants will be invited to participate in the "EUROHELICAN and TOGAS cohort dynamic control monitoring study of GISTAR study participants" within the research stage.
On March 1, the scientific director of the GISTAR project, director of the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine Institute of the University of Latvia (IL ICPM), gastroenterologist, and professor at the University of Latvia, Mārcis Leja, gave a lecture on the possibilities of reducing mortality caused by stomach cancer and European perspectives on these issues in the Microsoft Teams environment. As lecturers, the new project scientist Sergejs Paršutins, senior expert at ICPM, GISTAR research administrative manager Aiga Rūdule, ICPM researchers Reinis Vangravs and Edgars Dauss participated in the training in person.
During the training, the new team was introduced to the research website, data usage and security rules, the GISTAR data management system, research protocol, the inclusion of study participants, and the acquisition of all standard procedures in practice.
On March 3, the inclusion of study participants in the dynamic control monitoring study of the cohort (EUROHELICAN and TOGAS projects) began at the Ludza research center.
The "Accelerating gastric cancer reduction in Europe through Helicobacter pylori eradication” project, or EUROHELICAN for short, is an EU-supported project under the EU4Health program. It will evaluate a population-based strategy for testing and eradicating the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. As a result of the project, world and European experts will develop guidelines for the introduction of gastric cancer screening and recommendations for evaluating its effectiveness. In Latvia, it is led by the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine Institute of the University of Latvia in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (NIJZ), the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (IARC/WHO, France), Nantes University Hospital (France), and the Community Healthcare Center Dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor (Slovenia). The project will continue until the end of April 2025.
More about the EUROHELICAN project -
The project “Towards gastric cancer screening implementation in the European Union”, abbreviated as TOGAS, will begin in March 2023, with UL ICPM being the leading partner, collaborating with more than 20 institutions throughout Europe.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Where authors are identified as personnel of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization, the authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this article and they do not necessarily represent the decisions, policy or views of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization.
February 14, 2023. The number of participants in the GISTAR study has reached 11 000

We are pleased to announce that the number of participants in the GISTAR study has reached 11 000, and currently the number of participants in the research center in Liepāja has just exceeded 630 people.
We kindly thank the participants who have already participated in our research, as well as welcome everyone who wants to participate in the GISTAR study in Liepāja. The GISTAR study is carried out for the early diagnosis of digestive diseases, where the population aged 40-64 has the opportunity to perform free examinations for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
As previously announced, so far the study, conducted in cooperation with the Liepāja Regional Hospital, proves that every fourth resident of the Liepāja region should carefully monitor the health of their digestive tract.
January 31, 2023. Every fourth resident of Liepāja should carefully monitor the health of their digestive tract

Publicity photo: Toms Grīnbergs, UL Communication department
The GISTAR study, conducted in Liepāja by the University of Latvia Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine (UL ICPM) and the Liepāja Regional Hospital proves that every fourth resident of the Liepāja region should carefully monitor the health of their digestive tract.
Of the 584 residents who have participated in the study so far, 119 have been diagnosed with H.pylori, a bacteria promoting development of stomach cancer. In such cases, research participants are prescribed eradication therapy for the mentioned bacteria. For those study participants who are found to have deviations from the norm in their blood or fecal samples, which has been the case in another 30 cases, additional examinations are prescribed - upper endoscopy or colonoscopy.
The statistics of cancer of the digestive system in Latvia, in Europe and throughout the world are increasing every year. Every fourth newly diagnosed cancer develops in the digestive tract. Gastrointestinal tumors are the third leading cause of cancer deaths. Colorectal (colon and rectal) cancer and stomach cancer are the most common tumors of the digestive system. About 1,100 people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer and 700 die from it in Latvia annually. Every year, 500 - 600 inhabitants of Latvia fall ill with stomach cancer, which, compared to the indicators of European Union countries, is one of the highest in relation to the number of inhabitants. Scientists involved in the GISTAR study remind that a detection of malignant tumors allows for successful treatment, which also significantly increases the survival rate of the patients.
Also currently, the residents of Liepāja and the surrounding area between the ages of 40 and 64 are invited to check upon health of their digestive tract. Free health examinations are held in Liepāja, 23 Jūrmalas Street, every working day from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. More information about the the tests is available on the research website, application by phone - 25679868

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’. The project is co–financed by REACT-EU to mitigate the effects of the pandemic crisis.