October 31, 2022. GISTAR study at an informative seminar to general practitioners
On October 28, an informative seminar was held for general practitioners in Liepāja and South Kurzeme. It was organized by the Environment, Health and Public Participation Department of the Liepāja City Municipality Administration.
As part of the event, the director of the UL ICPM, gastroenterologist and UL professor Mārcis Leja gave a lecture on different approaches to reducing stomach cancer mortality and the European perspective on these issues. In addition to these aspects, the professor informed the general practitioners about the GISTAR study, which is currently taking place in Liepāja, and invited them to get involved in its implementation by informing their patients about the opportunities to take part in the study.

Photos: from personal archive
Liepāja Sports Health Center's offer was presented by Artis Lagzdiņš, the manager of the LOC Olympic Centre. Anita Zolmane, head of the Kurzeme branch of the National Health Service, presented the current affairs of the NHS.

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’.
October 15, 2022. Results of the HYCOR project were presented at the UEGWEEK 2022
From October 8 to 11, the senior laboratory technician of the HYCOR project and resident doctor Linda Anarkulova took part in the United European Gastroenterology Week 2022 – UEGWEEK 2022 in Vienna, Austria. For taking part in the event, she had received the UEG National Scholar Award. This award is given to the promising investigators at a junior level by awarding the highest scoring abstracts per country.

Photo: Linda Anarkulova. From personal archive.
At the congress, L. Anarkulova presented the poster presentation "Application of modular multi-sensor VOC analyzer for non-invasive detection of colorectal cancer" that is based in the project HYCOR results. The poster presentation was on the screening of colorectal cancer with a breath analysis, based on the detection of volatile organic compounds in the breath using a sensor breath analyzer.

The aim of the study was to differentiate between colorectal cancer patients and individuals without cancer. Participants in these two groups – colorectal cancer patients and a control group - performed a breath test in a sensor breath analyzer. The obtained results showed that the sensor breath analyzer is able to distinguish between colorectal cancer patients and control group study participants. The study will be continued to build and evaluate more specific detection models in larger patient groups.

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’.
September 15, 2022. A poster presentation on the results of the HYCOR project, implemented by UL ICPM, is to be given at the UEGWEEK 2022
The poster presentation "Application of modular multi-sensor VOC analyzer for non-invasive detection of colorectal cancer", prepared by the resident doctor Linda Anarkulova - the senior laboratory technician of the HYCOR project -, has been approved for presentation at the congress at the United European Gastroenterology Week 2022, taking place from October 8 to October 11, 2022 in Austria, Vienna. It can be visited both in person and remotely online. Please find out more information on the event’s website.
L. Anarkulova's report is on the screening of colorectal cancer - one of the most common and deadliest tumors. In order to reduce the mortality caused by colorectal cancer, it is necessary to implement an effective screening method. Such a method could be breath analysis, which is based on the detection of volatile organic compounds in the breath using a sensor breath analyzer. The aim of the study was to differentiate between colorectal cancer patients and individuals without cancer, and included two study groups: colorectal cancer patients and a control group. Participants in these two groups performed a breath test in a sensor breath analyzer. The obtained results showed that the sensor breath analyzer is able to distinguish between colorectal cancer patients and control group study participants.

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’
July 26, 2022. As part of the GISTAR project, several patiens have started a H.pylori eradication therapy
Continuing the UL Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine project “Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening - HYCOR”, in cooperation with Liepaja Regional Hospital, several patiens have started a H.pylori eradication therapy.
As part of the project, the H.pylori eradication therapy to the patients is provided free of charge.

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’
July 21, 2022. A paper originating from the GISTAR study on biomerkers for detecting gastric precancerous lesions is published online
A paper on the relevance of blood biomarkers (including pepsinogen) for non-invasive diagnosis of gastric precancerous lesions has been published in DIAGNOSTICS
Assessment of Serum Pepsinogens with and without Co-Testing with Gastrin-17 in Gastric Cancer Risk Assessment—Results from the GISTAR Pilot Study
The study was carried out using the GISTAR material gained in the study GISTAR, run by UL ICPM in the regions of Latvia.
The research was performed in close cooperation within an international consortium. The first author of the paper is Claudia Robles from Spain, other authorship include researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (France) among the team from the UL ICPM.
The study was performed in cooperation with the Center for Digestive Diseases GASTRO and Academic Histology Laboratory.
April 11, 2022. The scientific research center work in Liepāja has been presented to the media
In presence of media representatives, a press conference - informative presentation on the launch of the Liepāja Research Center was held. Its aim was to tell of the practical processes and importance of the research emphasizing the benefits of a timely diagnosis of a disease.
For successful results of the study, gentlemen aged 40 to 64 are especially invited to apply for participation in the study. The center in Liepāja is open at Jūrmalas Street 23 every working day from 7:00 to 13:00. To apply and receive a free gastrointestinal examination (screening) please call 25679868

© Photo: from personal archive: the team of the Liepāja research center
The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’
April 6, 2022. Press conference - informative presentation on the launch of the Liepaja Research Center
On Monday, April 11 at 14:00 in Liepāja, 23 Jūrmalas Street media representatives are invited to a press conference - informative presentation on the launch of the Liepāja Research Center - a joint research project of the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI) and Liepāja Regional Hospital.
Attendees will be able to find out the most significant benefits of the opening of the research center in Liepāja, what is the GISTAR study and HYCOR project, what are their goals and tasks, as well as to get acquainted with the research process in Liepāja.
Please apply for participation by sending an e-mail to amanda.boka@lu.lv
Aiga Rūdule, LU KPMI senior expert, administrative manager of GISTAR research
Andris Vistiņš, HYCOR project partner - Liepāja Regional Hospital Board Member
Dr. Mārcis Leja, LU professor, gastroenterologist, LU KPMI director, scientific manager of GISTAR research and HYCOR project
Each year, 3.88 million new cases of digestive system cancers are detected worldwide. About 2.83 million people die of them annually. Latvia belongs to a high-risk area with 600 people diagnosed with gastric cancer every year. About 500 patients die due to gastric cancer every year. Colorectal cancer (cancer of the large intestine) and cancer of the stomach are among the most common digestive cancers. Most of the cancers are preventable; if diagnosed early, most of the cancers, including colorectal and gastric cancers are treatable successfully.
GISTAR is a scientific study aiming to reduce mortality from gastric cancer. It aims to search for new intervention strategies to prove the efficacy of gastric cancer screening and optimize colorectal cancer screening in high-risk areas.
Free gastrointestinal examinations (screenings) of the population aged 40-64 are performed in regional research centers, with an aim of developing screening methods for the earliest possible diagnosis of the disease. The obtained data help improving the efficiency of systematic research of gastrointestinal tumors.
HYCOR is a scientific project based on the GISTAR study, which aims to promote the concept of an exhaled volatile marker in colorectal cancer screening by promoting the development of a new hybrid analyzer for this purpose.
More about LU KPMI, scientific project HYCOR and research GISTAR: www.kpmi.lu.lv; www.gistar.eu

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project ‘Practical Studies’, 4th phase, project ID Nr. ‘Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening’
March 9, 2022. Free testing for gastro-intestinal diseases
As part of ERDF project No “Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening - HYCOR”, the University of Latvia's Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine, in cooperation with Liepaja Regional Hospital, has started to carry out free gastro-intestinal disease tests for 40-64-year-olds.
Gastro-intestinal disease tests are performed in the Liepaja study centre: Jurmala Street 23, Liepaja. Study Centre working time 7:00 - 13:00. To sign in for free exams, please call 25 679 868.
More about the project – HERE

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project "Practical Studies", 4th phase, project ID Nr."
March 3, 2022. Training is being provided for the staff of the Liepaja Research Center
From 1.-11. training for future employees of the GISTAR Research Center is taking place at the Liepaja Research Center. Training is organized both on-site and remotely, according to epidemiological requirements. On March 2 a lecture for participants was given by ERDF project no. “Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening - HYCOR” Leading Researcher Marcis Leja. In the Microsoft Teams environment, Mārcis Leja introduced the research staff to the GISTAR research, the current issues of gastric and intestinal cancer in Latvia and in the world. The youngest scientists of the project Arnis Kiršners, Daiga Šantare and Sergejs Paršutins also took part in the training as teachers. During the training, the new team is introduced to the research website, data usage and security rules, GISTAR data management system, research protocol and inclusion of research participants, as well as collaboration with GPs and specialists at the local level.

© Photo from personal archive - photo with employees of Liepaja Research Center (from left side: Zanda Atmata, Agneta Freimane, Laura Rišmite)

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project "Practical Studies", 4th phase, project ID Nr."