Study on Timely Cancer Detection in Cesis. On December 12, 2013, a press conference took a place in Cesis, at Berzaines street 16. University of Latvia and Cesis Regional Council had founded Cesis Centre for Prevention and Timely Diagnostics (henceforth – the Centre). The aim of the press conference was to present results for the first two months, as well as opportunities, that the study offers to the public.
The Centre launched on 9th October 2013, so Cesis is the first Latvian town, in which broad activities for gastric and intestinal cancer timely detection is taking place within the scope of the pilot study. Persons from 40 to 64 years of age can be enrolled in the study. General practitioners were helping to select suitable participants. Thanks to this cooperation and active and professional involvement of the Centre team, there already have been more than 150 participants. All participants have received professional consulting. The number of tests depends on whether the participant is enrolled to standard or control group. If it is required, further investigation is recommended and, if helicobacter is discovered, treatment is offered in order to reduce gastric cancer risk. Currently, the plan is to continue work in Cesis at least until the end of March, enrolling at least 500 people.
We inviteded journalists, general practitioners, municipality deputies and other interested persons to attend the press conference that took place on December 12, 2013, from 11 until 12 AM in Cesis, at Berzaines street 16.
Cesis Major J. Rozenbergs, associate Professor M. Leja (University of Latvia) and Centre activity coordinator B. Trinska – Roze hosted the press conference. There was an opportunity for participants to visit the Centre rooms and talk to employees.
1. Cesis municipality involvement in the pilot study and support for public health – Mayor Janis Rozenbergs.
2. The significance of GISTAR study and municipality support for cancer prevention and treatment – Marcis Leja.
3. Review of the first two months work in the Centre for Prevention and Timely Diagnostics: study organisation in cooperation with general practitioners; public responsiveness, feedback – Baiba Trinska – Roze.
4. Questions and answers, visit of the Centre for Prevention and Timely Diagnostics.
On December 7, 2013 a lecture „Oncogastroenterology” has been presented during the 6th Congress of Latvian Gastroenterologists by prof. M. Leja; the problems related to gastric cancer prevention were elucidated, and the activities within the GISTAR Project were discussed.
In Lyon, France from 4th to 6th of December, 2013. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) hosted a working group meeting „Helicobacter pylori eradication as a strategy for preventing gastric cancer”. The experts agreed that gastric cancer will be remaining a major healthcare problem in foreseeable future, and strategies to decrease the burden of gastric cancer should be implemented by means of rigorous clinical trials.

On December 3, 2013 in Lyon, France the progress of GISTAR Project as well as the further plans were discussed with R. Herrero, the Head of Prevention and Implementation Group, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as well as other experts of the organization.
On November 15, 2013 during the European Bridging meeting in gastroenterology (Berlin, Germany) participation in the GISTAR Project was discussed with several countries, including Russia (Novosibirsk, Yakutsk).
On November 6, 2013 additional training for Cesis pilot study employees took place in Riga.
On October 23, 2013 the possibilities and limitations to extend GISTAR study to Belarus have been discussed during the of the working-group of 9th Belorussian-Latvian governmental Commission annual meeting on economical and scientific-technological cooperation.
On October 14, 2013 GISTAR Study design was presented as an oral report during United European Gastroenterology week. Representatives from many potential participating centres in different countries were in the audience.
On October 13, 2013 GISTAR Project progress was international reported during the Healthy Stomach Initiative meeting, Berlin, Germany.
On October 9, 2013 a pilot study was launched in Cesis, first three participants were enrolled.
On October 3, 2013 GISTAR study administrators, Cesis pilot study employees and social agency management met with Cesis general practitioners in order to discuss about study communication and spreading out the message about necessity of collaboration.
On October 3, 2013 Ethical Committee of Medical and Biomedical Studies at Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital gave its decision on „Multicentric randomized study of H.pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality”.
On October 3, 2013 Cesis District Council (Latvia) made a decision to participate in "Multicentric randomized study of H.pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality (GISTAR)".
March, 2012 – September, 2013. Study preparation tasks (protocol, questionnaire, questionnaire manual, descriptions of standard procedures, data entry system, data management system, estimates, purchases, etc.).
On September 28, 2013 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and University of Latvia signed an agreement on investigational collaboration and academic exchange within the scope of study “Multicentric randomized study of H.pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality”.
On September 26, 2013 GISTAR study coordinators met with Cesis Hospital manager (Dr. Inguna Liepa) and Cesis City Council members Dr. V. Vaivods, Dr. E. Gerulskis to discuss endoscopies.
On September 24, 2013 University of Latvia and Cesis Regional Council signed a collaboration agreement regarding study “Multicentric randomized study of H.pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality (GISTAR)”.
On September 16-18 and on September 25-27, 2013 6 day training for potential employees in Cesis with subsequent employment contracting.
On September 12-14, 2013 European helicobacter study group meeting was held in Madrid, Spain. The design of the GISTAR Project was displayed in a poster format; in addition negotiations with international collaborators were taking place.
GISTAR poster received award in 10th International Gastric Cancer Congress, which took place in Verona, Italy, from 19th to 22nd July, 2013.

On March 26, 2013 IARC’s Ethics Committee decision 12-36 IEC on study protocol.