December 10, 2021. LU KPMI project data have been presented at GASTRO 2021 Prague
On December 9-11, 2021, at the O2 Universum, Prague's most modern multifunctional cultural and congress center, is being held GASTRO 2021 Prague, arranged by the World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) in partnership with the Czech Society of Gastroenterology (ČGS) in hybrid format, featuring in-person sessions with a virtual component.
Today, Olga Sjomina, a doctoral student at the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU KPMI), presented data obtained from the GISTAR study “Optimisation of H.pylori eradication therapy for population-based gastric cancer prevention” funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) measure "Practical Studies", 2nd phase (project ID No.
The project aims to reduce gastric cancer mortality by eradicating Helicobacter pylori and determining pepsinogen levels. This would allow to detect an increased risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in a timely manner.

In the picture - Olga Sjomina
The GISTAR study is co-financed by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) measure "Practical Studies", 2nd phase, project ID No. "Optimisation of H.pylori eradication therapy for population-based gastric cancer prevention"
December 3, 2021. The involvement of participants for the GISTAR study at the Kuldīga Regional Centre has been finished
On December 2, the inclusion of participants for the GISTAR study was successfully completed. From May 10 to December 2, 2021, a total of 679 respondents were involved at this centre. The research administrative manager, Ms Aiga Rūdule, thanked the Kuldīga Regional Centre staff for their great work.
In Latvia, the GISTAR study was launched in Cēsis town already in October 2013; and it has also taken place in such Latvian cities and towns as Alūksne, Ludza, Saldus, Tukums, Dobele, Jēkabpils, Madona, and Rēzekne so far.
It must be added that 10 381 respondents were included in the study since its beginning in 2013 until early December this year. Work with participants is currently continuing on the evaluation of the effectiveness of H.pylori eradication therapy.

© Aiga Rūdule. In the picture, from left to right: Elita Zazerska, Lienīte Pūpola, and Mārīte Lagzdiņa (Elīna Kronlaka and Sandra Reimane were absent when the photo was taken).
July 22, 2021. The number of participants in the GISTAR study has reached 10 000
We are pleased to announce that today the number of participants in the GISTAR study has reached 10 000, and currently the number of participants in the research center in Kuldiga has reached 300 people. We would like to thank the participants who have already participated in our research, as well as we are waiting for new people who want to participate in the GISTAR study in Kuldiga. The GISTAR study is carried out for the early diagnosis of digestive diseases, where the population aged 40-64 has the opportunity to perform free examinations for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

* The operation of the GISTAR Kuldīga Center is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program in accordance with grant agreement no. 824986 within the VOGAS project.
**The work is funded by FLPP (Fundamental and Applied Research Projects) Program. Program is implemented by Latvian Council of Science, project No. lzp-2018/1-0135 "Research on implementation of a set of measures for prevention of gastric cancer mortality by eradication H. pylori and timely recognition of precancerous lesions".
July 12, 2021. A new project HYCOR is launched
The Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia in cooperation with Liepaja regional hospital is starting to implement a new project "Hybrid-sensor breath analysis for colorectal cancer screening (HYCOR)". The project aim is to promote breath volatile marker concept for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening by advancing developing the application of a novel hybrid analyzer for the purpose.
The scientific results of the current project will provide new knowledge on the potential application of the hybrid breath analyzer for CRC screening. Although currently screening programs do exist in most of the European Union (EU) countries, the tests that are used at present are still far from the ideal. The project obtained results would be important for clinical practice both in Latvia and globally – in countries with an average or high burden of CRC.
More information about the project

The project is funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project "Practical Studies", 4th phase, project ID Nr.
June 2, 2021. The inclusion of respondents in the GISTAR survey in the Kuldiga Regional Center continues for the second month.
We are proud to announce that the first 100 respondents are already included in the center of Kuldiga!
A total of 9,807 respondents are already included in the study.
Patients continue to be included in the study.
May 21, 2021. The First Moscow Oncology Forum (2021) took place in Moscow, Russia, on May 17-22.
M.Leja spoke at the forum with a report on the Europe’s Beating Cancer plan and the recommendations of the European Commission's Cancer Mission Council, at the same time informing the audience about the progress of the GISTAR study.
May 11, 2021. With the support of Kuldiga City Municipality, the Kuldiga Regional Center of the GISTAR study started working yesterday, May 10. During the first two working days, the first seven respondents visited the research center. In total, 9,708 respondents are already included in the study.

May 6, 2021. Today in Kuldiga trainings are taking place for future employees of GISTAR Kuldiga Regional Center. Training is organized according to epidemiological requirements both on-site and remotely. During the training, the new team is introduced to the research website, data usage and security rules, as well as the GISTAR data management system. Our staff introduces future employees to the design of the GISTAR study, its goals and objectives, tells about cooperation with family doctors and specialists at the local level.
April 16, 2021. In May of this year, the digestive disease prevention study GISTAR will start operating in the city of Kuldiga.
The selection of staff for the next research center has now been completed. And the agreements with Kuldiga City Council are being actively coordinated. Preparations are also underway for the launch of the new research center.
So far, the survey has been conducted in Cēsis, Alūksne, Ludza, Dobele, Saldus, Tukums, Madona, Rēzekne and Jēkabpils, and more than 9,702 respondents have already been involved in the survey.
Currently, the research in Kuldiga is planned for 1 year until the end of the year 2021.

January 15, 2021. The launch of the new GISTAR research center in Kuldīga is planned, but currently, subject to emergency regulations, the opening of the new research center is slightly postponed, but as soon as the restrictions are lifted, the new center will definitely start operating.
In turn, the control of patient eradication efficiency continues in the Jekabpils GISTAR regional center.