December 26, 2015. The decision to support the participation in the GISTAR project in 2016 was made by the council of Tukums Municipality. The Council of Tukums Municipality informed that the co-financed amount is planned to be 34 000 Euros. More detailed information here.
December 21-22, 2015. The conduction and results of the GISTAR research were announced to the specialists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France. Further development of the research and data analysis were planned.

December 18, 2015. The recruitment of the participants to the GISTAR study in the Saldus district has concluded. 1 077 respondents have been included in Saldus regional study center. Conduction of examinations within the pilot research project continues.

December 16, 2015. The meeting of project managers with representatives of Municipality and hospital of Saldus district and research team of the regional center took place. From left: Marcis Leja, Aiga Rudule, Ingrida Kuzniece, Indra Rassa, Raisa Rudova, Gundega Ikote, Antra Brunava, Agija Mazrima, Benita Sproge.

December 11, 2015. The 11th protocol of bilateral Intergovernmental commission of Latvia – Belarus about economical and scientific cooperation was signed in Daugavpils. Similar to last year, the protocol cooperation in the planning and conducting within the GISTAR research is mentioned at the priority list of both countries.

December 10-11, 2015. During the Daugavpils meeting, cooperation opportunities of the expansion of the GISTAR research in Belarus was discussed with leading specialist from the Scientific-practical Centre of Oncology and Medical Radiology of the Republic of Belarus named in honour of N.N. Aleksandrov.
In the Picture from the left: M. Leja (University of Latvia), Latvian consul in Belarus U. Skuja, Deputy director of scientific work in Centre of Oncology of Belarus S.A. Krasnij and Head of the Department of organization for cancer control P.I. Moisejevs, representative of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Latvia I. Jekabsone.

December 2, 2015. Information about the GISTAR project within the National research program BIOMEDICINE 2014-2017, was presented at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia with participation of minister G.Belevics.
November – December, 2015. Efforts are being made in order to prepare the protocol text of the bilateral intergovernmental commission of Latvia and Belarus. Text of the expected protocol contains a paragraph about the GISTAR project. The procedure of signing the protocol will take place in Daugavpils, December 11.
November 27-28, 2015. The planning of the United European Gastroenterology Week 2016 program took place in Vienna. Under the many leading program highlights, the reports of the gastric cancer prophylaxis were also expected.
November 20-21, 2015. FIT for Health in Gastroenterology took place in Berlin. Doc. S. Isajevs announced his results of the GISTAR Project. Prof. M. Lejas appeared with the information about prophylaxis of gastric cancer.
November 17, 2015. The strategical management meeting of the National Research Program BIOMEDICINE 2014-2017 took place. The results of the GISTAR Project were announced.
November 3, 2015. The development of GISTAR Project was presented within the National research program BIOMEDICINA 2014-2017 at the Oncology projects’ group meeting.
October 29, 2015. Prof. Marcis Leja went on an official visit to the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain) with the goal to present the work the GISTAR research group has done. During the meeting, the cooperation possibilities also were discussed.

October 25, 2015. The participants of the healthy gastric initiative group ( meeting in Barcelona were introduced to the made progress of the GISTAR research.
October 24-28, 2015. In Barselona during the European Community - United European Gastroenterology Week, the data from the European heliobacteria regester was announced, which also contained the results from Latvia.

October 23, 2015. Symposium of the Screening committee of the World Endoscopy Organization took place in Barcelona. Two reports about the results of the GISTAR Project were presented.
October 20, 2015. The research team visited the Tukums Municipality, in order to discuss the coorporation possibilities within the GISTAR scientific research.

August 25, 2015. The threshold of 3 000 respondents was reached.
June 8, 2015. Cooperation on the GISTAR researches further realization was discussed at a meeting with the representatives of Talsi Municipality.
May 28-29, 2015. In Riga and in Saldus GISTAR study meetings were taking place. Participants included not only the local project representatives but also participants from Russia and International Agency for Research of cancer (IARC) were present. On May 28, a GISTAR study progress meeting was taking place in the premises of University of Latvia in Riga. Issues regarding project organization and progress were discussed during the meeting. But on May 29 the participants of the meeting visited Saldus to introduce themselves with the implementation process of the GISTAR study in the Saldus Medical Centre.
April 30, 2015. The leading researchers of the GISTAR study went on a visit to Saldus to meet with the head doctor of Saldus Medical Centre Ingrida Kuzniece and general practitioners of the Saldus district and to discuss the course of the study in Saldus. The lead researcher, Professor Marcis Leja also gave a scientific lecture to the doctors of Saldus district about the possibilities of early prevention of gastric and colorectal cancer.
April 7, 2015. With the support of the Saldus district municipality, GISTAR centre for disease prevention and early diagnosis have been opened in the premises of Saldus Medical centre. First 5 participants have been included in the study.
March 27, 2015. The recruitment of the participants to the GISTAR study has been concluded in the Ludza district. Altogether 1018 participants have been included in the study.
March 16, 2015. The staff training has begun in the GISTAR centre for disease prevention and early diagnosis in Saldus.
January 26, 2015 GISTAR study coordinators met with Kraslava City Council member Mr. Aleksandrs Jevtusoks to discuss collaboration opportunities in the GISTAR study in Kraslava Region.

January 19, 2015 GISTAR study coordinators met with Rezekne City Council Mr. Aleksandrs Bartasevics to discuss collaboration opportunities in the GISTAR study in Rezekne City.

January 19, 2015 GISTAR study coordinators met with Karsava City Council Mrs. Inara Silicka to discuss collaboration opportunities in the GISTAR study in Karsava region.

January 13, 2015 The threshold of 2000 study participants was reached today. Recruitment is continuing.