On November - December, 2012. GISTARstudy protocol coordination of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
On August 16, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. was held the workshop „Digestive system cancer prevention study GISTAR in the border regions” in Aluksne Municipality, Darza Street 11, Aluksne. The workshop was organised by University of Latvia within the ESF Project „Interdisciplinary research group for early cancer detection and cancer prevention” (nr.2009/0220/1DP/ The workshop was supported by Aluksne Municipality Council.
Project Meeting in Alūksne ‘‘Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention Study GISTAR on Border Regions’’ Alūksne, Municipality Alūksne, 11 Dārza Street 16th August 2012, 11:00-13:30
Registration, coffee break
Opening of the meeting
Aivars Fomins
Chairperson of Municipality Alūksne
Information on the urgency of the matter: distribution of gastrointestinal cancer around Eastern Europe
Mārcis Leja
Associate Professor of University of Latvia, Scientific Director of the European Social Fund (ESF) Project
11:30 -11:50
Experience and conclusions arisen from the ESF pilot project on colorectal cancer screening, implemented by University of Latvia, in 2011
Daiga Šantare
Ilze Kikuste
University of Latvia
Conception of the new GISTAR project, including the planned pilot project in Latvia and Belorussia, in 2013
Mārcis Leja
Associate Professor of University of Latvia, Scientific Director of the European Social Fund (ESF) Project
Recognition level of the GISTAR project among Internet users
Arnis Kiršners
Sergejs Paršutins
Discussion about possibility to launch GISTAR pilot project in cities and towns around Latvia and Belorussia
Marcis Leja
Inga Upmace
Closing of the meeting
Further participants had been invited to take part into the meeting:
Representatives of border regions of Latvia: Alūksne, Balvi, Ludza, Kārsava
Regional general practitioners and specialists
Representatives of the embassy/consulate of Belorussia
Regional authorities of Pechory and Pskov
Representatives of University of Latvia
Contact details:
Ligita Podziņa, tel. +371 26394745
+371 26394745, e-mail: ligita.podzina@aluksne.lv
Inga Upmace, tel. +371 29162653
+371 29162653, e-mail: inga.upmace@gmail.com
Project Meeting was organised within the framework of LU ESF Project “Interdisciplinary Research Group for Early Cancer Detection and Cancer Prevention” (nr.2009/0220/1DP/ The meeting was supported by Municipality of Alūksne.
The main conclusions and suggestions from the meeting ‘‘Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention Study GISTAR on Border Regions’’
26 participants from the municipalities of Alūksne, Balvi, Ludza and Kārsava took part into Project Meeting ‘‘Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention Study GISTAR on Border Regions’’ which took place on 16th August 2012, in Municipality Alūksne. After the introduction into conception of the new GISTAR study, a discussion was held, with an aim to consider the implementation possibilities and receive suggestions and comments.
The main conclusions and suggestions for further implementation of the project:
1. The inhabitants do not have enough information on the urgent problem of cancer distribution and the current state funding for colorectal cancer screening (cancer of large intestine or rectum). During the implementation of GISTAR project, inhabitants shall be educated, the information should be expounded in simple words and be easy understandable: Project Group of University of Latvia (LU) is going to develop the information about project aims and activities, and municipalities and their specialists have to spread the information among the inhabitants.
2. The planned free testing might become widely demanded, therefore, for those inhabitants having cancer symptoms or derivation being found in their analysis during the project, a system of further qualified healthcare – apart from the current quota – shall be developed. The matter shall be discussed on both governmental (Ministry of Health) and local level.
3. In order to reach an agreement of cooperation between LU and municipalities during the project, and to specify contribution and obligations, a letter of intent is planned to be developed. LU and the municipalities are to set up a proposal of the letter of intent.
4. In order to inform more representatives of municipalities about the plans of GISTAR project, representatives of LU are going to be asked to spread the information about the project at this autumn’s meetings of Vidzeme Planning Region Board of Development. Cooperation with Latgale Planning Region shall be developed: the information is going to be provided by Vidzeme Planning Region, Municipality Kārsava and Municipality Ludza.
5. Cross-border cooperation shall be promoted. In order to come to an agreement in relation to the run of the study around the Eastern borderland of Latvia, a meeting with representatives of municipalities of Belorussia is going to be organized: representatives of LU is going to meet representatives of Belorussian municipalities.
6. Cross-border cooperation possibilities with Russia shall be considered. The Chairperson of Municipality Alūksne is going to discuss these possibilities at a meeting related to cross-border cooperation in Pskov (5th-7th September). LU is going to prepare a short description of GISTAR project in Russian.
GISTAR project meeting was organized by the University of Latvia, on July 13, 2012 at 13.00 to discuss an implementation process of GISTAR project. Meeting was held in the Conference hall of Clinic “Linezers”, Riga East Clinical University hospital (RAKUS) located on Linezera Street 6, Riga.
PARTICIPANTS: University of Latvia (ESF project team), RAKUS and Disease Control and Prevention Centre specialists
GISTAR: Gastrointestinal cancer prevention study by predicting atrophic gastritis and colorectal lesions
GISTAR (Gastrointestinal cancer prevention study by predicting atrophic gastritis and colorectal lesions) Project development
Protocol. Conception of the pilot research
Criteria of admission/removal from membership, information approval form, questionnaire form
Demonstration of the options provided by a data input system – user registration, input of new respondent’s data
Demonstration of www.gistar.eu website
Poll Worker’s Manual
Conclusions, closing of the meeting
GISTAR group meeting was held in 22th to 23th of March, 2012 in Riga. All the researchers from all the involved centres in the scientific project took part in the meeting. Experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Karolinska Institutet [Sweden], Technion University [Israel], Finnish, Lithuanianian research centres along with local research centres took part in the meeting. The host of GISTAR group meeting was the University of Latvia. During the meeting several topics were discussed, such as, the scientific research protocol, questions considering legal matters, survey forms and data basis, as well as, research centres were presented. The meeting also included a press conference in which such people participated in:
Rolando Herrero, IARC, The head of Prevention and Implementation group. IARC is the world leading organization dealing with cancer research.
Victor Pasechnikov, Professor of internal medicine and gastroenterology of Stravropol Medical University, editor in chief of a book published in the U.S. about early gastric cancer diagnosis, one of the leading Russian scientists in research on gastric cancer.
Indrikis Muiznieks, professor, Pro-rector for Research in the University of Latvia.
Marcis Leja, associate professor, Medicine faculty, University of Latvia, Head of the Research Department in the Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital, gastroenterologist in the Digestive Disease Centre GASTRO, Research manager in the Project „Interdisciplinary research group for early cancer detection and cancer prevention” of the University of Latvia.
Olof Nyren, professor, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, one of the leading Swedish epidemiologists with an essential experience working with digestive diseases, especially stomach cancer epidemilogy. Co-author of several books on gastric cancer epidemiology.
Lars Engstrand, Professor of Microbiology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden. One of the leading scientists in Europe in the study of microbial flora of the stomach in connection with various diseases Joint research was implemented and planned in cooperation with the University of Latvia.
Sergej Pimanov, Professor, Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus.
Haitham Amal, Technion University in Israel. A group of scientists in the University is developing a unique technology - volatile markers for detection in exhaled air. Latvian scientists take part in the technology development for gastric cancer and precancerous states.
Osamu Ishino, Eiken Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan. Eiken company is a leading manufacturer of pepsinogen tests in Japan and a leading supplier of modern immunochemical screening tests for colorectal cancer in Europe.
,,Gastrointestinal cancer prevention – current results and perspective’’
2009/0220/1DP/ “Interdisciplinary research group for early cancer detection and cancer prevention” : GISTAR - Gastrointestinal cancer prevention study by predicting atrophic gastritis and colorectal lesions
March 22-23, 2012, Hotel AVALON, 70, Kalēju street, Riga
Day 1st: March 22, 2012 (09.00-18.00
09.00-18.00). Simultaneous translation: English – Russian; Russian - English
Indriķis Muižnieks / Latvia University/
TBD/Ministry of Education and Science, Latvia/
TBD /Ministry of Health, Latvia/
IARC introduction
Rolando Herrero /IARC, France/
Round table introduction
(all the participants introduce themselves)
Gastric cancer in East Europe and the World
Victor Pasechnikov /Russia/
Where are we with gastric cancer screening
Mārcis Leja /Latvia/
Coffee break
GISTAR project Protocol proposal
Mārcis Leja /Latvia/
Epidemiologist’s comments
Olof Nyren /Sweden/
Study subject estimates
Teppo Huttunen /Finland/
General discussion
Press conference
Comparative study on pepsinogen tests
Ilona Vilkoite,
Mārcis Leja /Latvia/
The evidence on FOBT studies
Mārcis Leja,
Daiga Šantare /Latvia/
Coffee break
Volatile markers for cancer detection
Haitham Amal /Israel/
Standardized pathology testing
Inta Liepniece-Karele,
Dainius Jančiauskas /Latvia/
Approaches to microbiota analysis
Lars Engstrand /Sweden/
GISTAR web, on-line information system
Sergejs Paršutins,
Arnis Kiršners, Nauris Ješkevics /Latvia/
Medical regimen for eradication therapy
Mārcis Leja /Latvia/
Legal issues
Jānis Skārds / DOKUMEDS, Latvia/,
Anna Belkovets /Russia/
Cost –efficiency estimates and modelling
Kārlis Purmalis,
Jānis Kasalis /Latvia/
Day 2nd: March 23, 2012. (9.00 – 16.30). Simultaneous translation: English – Russia; Russia - English
General work –up . GISTAR membership
Mārcis Leja / Latvia/
Lifestyle and medical history questionnaire: presentation and discussion
Inga Upmace/Latvia /,
Jin Young Park /IARC, France/
Faecal occult blood testing SOP
(incl. demonstration)
Daiga Šantare,
Roberts Tjurjapins /Latvia/
Coffee break
Patient information material (signed consent, leaflets for particular investigations)
Ilze Kikuste /Latvia/,
Anna Belkovets /Russia/
Blood sampling SOP
Mārtiņš Kālis /Latvia/
Volatile marker SOP (incl. videos)
Konrāds Funka /Latvia/,
Haitham Amal /Israel/
Sample logistics SOP
Jānis Skārds /DOKUMEDS, Latvia/
Endoscopy SOP (incl. also biopsies for gastric microbiota)
Ilze Kikuste /Latvia/
Coffee break
Site presentations
(the following issues to be covered: population (ethnicity, ability to recruit 4000 individuals, incidence of gastric and colorectal cancer), competences and availability of technical supplies, possibilities to re-invite follow-up the recruited individuals (also the availability of Cancer Registry), other important factors to comply with the protocol)
10 min. each+ 10 min. discussion each
Victor Passechnikov /South Russia – Stavropol and the neighbouring areas/
Rustam Abdulhakov /Kazan, Russia/
Anna Belkovets /Novosibirsk, Yakutia, Russia/
Vladislav Tsukanov /Krasnoyarsk, neighbouring areas, Russia/
Sergey Pimanov /Vitebsk, Belarus/
Funding issues
Mārcis Leja : General overview
Rolando Herrero /IARC, France/
Victor Pasechnikov /Russia/
Anna Belkovets /Russia/
Rustem Abdulhakov /Russia/
Vladislav Tsukanov /Russia/
Sergej Pimanov /Belarus/
Kristina Galihanova /Latvia/
Andris Deniņš /Latvia/
Jānis Balēvičs /Latvia/, Others
Farewell and the plans for the next meeting
Mārcis Leja /Latvia/
Additional working group individual discussions
The GISTAR Project concept has been developed based on the results of European Social Fund Project “Interdisciplinary research group for early cancer detection and cancer prevention”, Nr. 2009/0220/1DP/ results being realized by the University of Latvia. The current Workshop is funded by this Project.
Organized by University of Latvia
in collaboration with:
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
REUH (Riga East University Hospital)